Data Has the Answer. What’s Your Question?

Data gives you the keys you need to unlock new levels of growth.
To find the right key, just ask the right question.

At InnerTrends, we use data to answer questions and unlock growth opportunities every day


We make data work for companies that look to transform growth into more revenue.

InnerTrends was founded in 2015 to inspire companies to grow faster by using data to make more informed business decisions.


Claudiu Murariu

Co-Founder & CEO

Alex Stoia

Alex Stoia

Co-Founder & CTO

Iuliana Murariu

Iuliana Murariu

Co-Founder & CPO


Trevor Hatfield

Head of Growth

We aspire to a data-driven world

Our vision at InnerTrends is to keep raising the bar on the speed and number of insights we can derive from data.

We believe in data you can trust

Data you can’t trust is data you can’t use, and data that won’t answer questions or unlock new opportunities. Trust comes from using scientific methods of data analysis, keeping data clean and error-free, and using all the data sources you have to validate insights.

Professionals seeking growth don’t need reports. We need answers for our important questions. We need data-driven insights that are transparent and repeatable, so we can fully understand how growth happened – and how to keep on growing.

Ready to accelerate your growth? Contact us.