1 min read

Hello everyone! I’m here today to bust a myth: that driving users to finish the onboarding process as fast as...

1 min read

Chase your company’s revenue at all costs, and your clients won’t stick around.  Help your customers thrive, and your income...

1 min read

Today I’ll be talking about how to get more people to reach your product goals.

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And why I always keep it open in my taskbar for my professional growth. It doesn’t happen too often, I’ll...

1 min read

Without any further ado, a highly engaged user is defined as someone who regularly receives value from your product.

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This was the hypothesis of one of our clients: a complex pricing strategy leads to lack of clarity and thus...

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This is the question that is on most marketers’ mind: what are the exact paths that customers use to convert?

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Trying to sort out retention on its own is like hoping to solve a medical issue by dealing with the...

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I used to be a marketer and I am guilty of every classic trick in the book. Yes, you heard...

1 min read

I might be an analyst now, but I wasn’t always one. I started my career as a digital marketer, so...

1 min read

If you offer live chat in your app, you will surely have asked yourself one of the following questions at...

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